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Known as a leading independent, college-preparatory day school, Lakeview's strong sense of community sets it apart from other schools in Northeast Georgia.
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College Acceptances
College Acceptances 2023
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All students have a variety of elective opportunities from which to choose, including the school's award winning athletic, fine arts and innovation programs.
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The LION FUND is Lakeview’s annual giving program that supports enhancements to all areas including the school’s operating budget.
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List Detail
Class of 2022
Class of 2022 College Acceptances
Adelphi University
The University of Alabama (17)
American University (2)
Anderson University
Appalachian State University (2)
Arizona State University
University of Arkansas (2)
Auburn University (16)
Augusta University
Augustana College
Austin College
Beloit College
Berry College
Birmingham Southern College
Brenau University
Brown University
University of California-Merced
University of California-Riverside
University of California-Santa Cruz
The Catholic University of America
University of Central Florida
College of Charleston
The Citadel (2)
Clemson University (12)
Coastal Carolina University
Coe College
University of Colorado Boulder
Colorado School of Mines
Columbus State University
Cornell College
Denison University
DePaul University (3)
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Drexel University
Duke Kunshan University
Eckerd College
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emory & Henry College
Emory University (Oxford College )
University of Evansville (2)
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida State University
University of Florida (2)
Fordham University (2)
Frostburg State University
Full Sail University
Furman University (5)
Georgia College & State University (3)
Georgia Institute of Technology (4)
Georgia Southern University (7)
Georgia State University (4)
University of Georgia (24)
Gettysburg College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Hanover College
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Hendrix College
Jacksonville University
Juniata College (2)
Kennesaw State University (3)
University of Kentucky
Kenyon College
Knox College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
La Salle University
Lake Forest College
Lebanon Valley College
Louisiana State University (4)
Loyola University New Orleans
Manor College
Marquette University
University of Mary Washington
Mercer University (8)
Millsaps College
University of Minnesota (2)
Mississippi State University (2)
University of Mississippi (14)
Mount Aloysius College
University of Nebraska (2)
New College of Florida
New York University
University of North Florida
Oberlin College
Oglethorpe University
Oklahoma City University
University of Oklahoma
Oregon State University
Pace University
Pennsylvania State University
Piedmont University (2)
Presbyterian College
Purdue University (4)
Randolph-Macon College
Ripon College
Rollins College (2)
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Saint Francis University
Saint Louis University
Saint Vincent College
Salisbury University
Samford University
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco (3)
Savannah College of Art & Design (3)
Seton Hall University
The University of the South
Shawnee State University
University of South Carolina (3)
Stetson University
Swarthmore College
Tennessee Technological University
The University of Tennessee (3)
Texas A & M University
Texas Christian University
Transylvania University
Troy University
University of Tulsa
University of Lynchburg
University of North Georgia (15)
University of Oregon
University of Utah
Valdosta State University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Washington State University
University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Western Carolina University (2)
Wofford College (2)
Young Harris College (3)
Our class of 2022 was offered $6,648,380 in non-HOPE Scholarships which included
*HOPE Scholarship is available to Georgia residents who have demonstrated academic achievement.
Arizona State- University Dean's Award
Auburn University- Academic Charter Scholarship (2)
Augustana College- Presidential Scholarship
Austin College- Presidential Scholarship
Beloit College- Presidential Scholarship
Birmingham-Southern College- Presidential Scholarship
Brenau University- Faculty Excellence Scholarship
Catholic University- University Honors Scholarship
Clemson University- University Scholarships
Coe College- Impact Award, National Kohawk Award, Trustee Scholarship
Colorado School of Mines- Provost Award
Cornell College- Trustee Scholarship
DePaul University- Presidential Scholarship
DePaul University- Deans' Scholarship
DePaul University- Deans' Scholarship
DigiPen Institute of Technology- Bridge Scholarship
Eckerd College- Academic Founders Scholarship<
Emerson College- Trailblazer Scholarship
Emory & Henry College- Founders Scholarship
Florida Institute of Technology- Panther Academic Scholar
Fordham University- Fordham Recognition Scholarship (2)
Full Sail University- Creative Minds Scholarship
Furman University- Bell Tower Scholarship (2)
Georgia Southern University- Honors College (2)
Guilford College- Nathan Hunt Scholarship
Hanover College- 1827 Scholarship
Hendrix College- Academic Merit Scholarship
Jacksonville University- Merit Scholarship
Kenyon College- President's Scholarship & Crescent City Scholarship
Knox College- Trustees Distinguished Scholarship & Knox Founders Scholarship
Lake Forest College- Presidential Scholarship
Louisiana State University- Tiger Excellence Nonresident
Loyola University New Orleans- President's Scholarship & Crescent City Scholarship
Marquette University- Magis Campus Resident Scholarship
Marquette University- Pere Marquette Scholarship
Mercer University- Academic Merit Scholarship (7)
Mercer University- Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholars Program
Millsaps College- Millsaps Presidential Scholarship
Mississippi State University- Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship
Mississippi State University- Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship
New College of Florida- National Hispanic Scholarship Award Out of State
Ohio Wesleyan University- Branch Rickey Scholarship
Pace University- Pace Incentive Award
Piedmont University- Presidential Scholarship (2)
Presbyterian College- Highlander Scholarship
Randolph-Macon College- Presidential Scholarship
Rollins College- Dean's Scholarship
Rollins College- Presidential Scholarship
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology- Pre-College Summer Scholarship
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology- Rose-Hulman Merit Scholar
Samford University- Crosland Scholarship
SCAD- Academic & Achievement Honor Scholarships
SCAD- SCAD Academic Honors Scholarship
Seton Hall University- University Scholarship
Shawnee State University- Shawnee Achievement Award
Southern Methodist University- SMU Second Century Scholar
Texas A&M University- National Recognition Scholarship & Waiver Non-Resident Tuition
University of Alabama- Out-of-State Presidential Scholarship
University of Alabama- Presidential National Housing Scholarship
University of Alabama- Provost Academic Excellence Scholarship
University of Alabama- Presidential Diversity Scholarship 2022
University of Alabama- Crimson Legends Scholarship
University of Alabama- Out-of-State Collegiate Scholarship
University of Arkansas- New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award
University of Georgia- Charter Scholarship
University of Mississippi- Academic Success Non-Resident (4)
University of Mississippi- Academic Merit Scholarship & Academic Merit Non-Resident
University of Nebraska- Scarlet Scholar
University of Oregon- Summit Scholarship
University of San Francisco- University Scholar Award
University of San Francisco- Hilltop Scholarship
University of San Francisco- Dons Scholarship
University of South Carolina- Academic Scholar-Merit Award
University of Tulsa- TU Academic Scholarship
Wofford College- Benjamin Wofford Scholarship
Young Harris College- Enotah Scholarship
Young Harris College- Sharp Scholarship
Young Harris College- Miller Scholarship
796 Lakeview Drive, Gainesville, GA 30501
Lakeview Academy is a private, coeducational day school for students in preschool through 12th grade, located in Gainesville, GA minutes off I-985/Hwy 365.
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