Typography is an important element of the brand. Consistent use of brand typography gives a sense of continuity to our brand and helps build recognition. The fonts listed below should be used whenever possible. Approved substitute fonts have been indicated in case brand fonts are not available. Other display fonts may be used for headlines in a limited manner if desired for special events and theater production, however, approval must be obtained from the communication department before use.
Our primary serif font that may be used for headlines, body copy, and letters. Whitman is used in the Lakeview logo, however, never set the word “Lakeview” in place of the approved logo artwork. Regular, bold, and italics may be used.
Download Whitman font familyNote: the fonts are in a zipped folder. Extract the files to install them on your device.
Approved Substitutes for Whitman: Times New Roman (Preferred)
Georgia (optional)
Our primary sans serif font that may be used for headlines
and body copy. Lato pairs well with our serif font and
comes in a variety of weights. All weights may be used. Lato
is preferred for headlines. Lato can be downloaded for free from
Google Fonts.
Approved Substitute for Lato:
Athletic Fonts
The primary font for the Lakeview Athletic wordmark is Archivo Black. The secondary athletic font is Machiarge. Ethnocentric Regular is used by robotics and eSports teams for their team logos.
Archivo Black
Lakeview’s athletic wordmark uses the Archivo Black Regular font with an orange stroke around the letters. Archivo Black Regular is the only font
that can be used for the Athletic Lakeview logo.
Text for content other than the Lakeview athletic wordmark may use any font in the Archivo Family. Archivo has both variable fonts (with width and weight axes) and static fonts, all of which may be used.
Archivo is available as a free
Google Fonts download.
This font is used mainly in conjunction with the athletic Lions wordmark.
Download Machiarge font familyNote: the fonts are in a zipped folder. Extract the files to install them on your device.
Lakeview’s base signature for eSports team and technology/robotics activities uses the Ethnocentric Regular font. The Ethnocentric font may only be used for these activities.
Download the Ethnocentric fontNote: the fonts are in a zipped folder. Extract the files to install them on your device.
Fine Arts
The Fine Arts department uses the font Model 4F Unicase and typically lowercase letters.
Download the Model 4F Unicase fontNote: the fonts are in a zipped folder. Extract the files to install them on your device.