Student Life

Winter Sports Pictures

Playing Fields - Walters Athletic Center (WAC)
Click "More Details" to see what time your sport has their picture.
2:50 - Varsity Boys Basketball (15)
2:55 - JV Boys Basketball (14)
3:00 - C Team Boys Basketball (12)
3:10 - Varsity Swimming (6)
3:15 - MS Swimming (11)
3:20 - MS Boys Basketball (13)
3:30 - Varsity Girls Basketball )12)
3:35 - JV Girls Basketball (6)
3:40 - MS Girls Basketball (22)
3:45 - MS Cheerleading (11)
3:50 - Varsity Cheerleading (24)
4:05 – MS Robotics (29)
4:10 – US Robotics (15)

To see a digital version of the form Click Here.

The code to order pictures online is: FM455177.
Lakeview Academy is a private, coeducational day school for students in preschool through 12th grade, located in Gainesville, GA minutes off I-985/Hwy 365.
© 2024 Lakeview Academy. All right reserved.